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El partido amistoso 'Zesco United FC Fans Club'-'Power Dynamos FC Fans Forum' se celebrará el 10 octubre al Estadio de la Levy Mwanawasa al 11:00 de la manana.

Este partido es para ayudar a luchar vandalismo y la violencia en la Primera División de Zambia (Zambian Premier League)​.

Los participantes tienen que pagar K20 (US$2). Os animamos a incluir dos mujeres en tu equipo. Se proporcionarán aperitivos.

Para mayor información sobre nuestra compañía y servicios, por favor contacto con Amy Chilungu Kaunda (secretaria general adjunta de Zesco United FC Fan Club) en Facebook.

There will be an Exhibition match between 'Zesco United FC Fans Club' and 'Power Dynamos FC Fans Forum' on 10th October 2015 at Levy Mwanawasa Stadium Training Pitch at 11:00hrs.

The match is part of the campaign to fight hooliganism and violence in the league.

All participants from Zesco United FC Fans to pay participation fee of K20 per player.

Both teams are encouraged to have TWO LADIES in their line-up.

Braii Packs and Refreshments will be on sale on the very day Zesco United FC Fans Club in conjunction with Zesco United FC, have invited kids from da Gama School of the physically challenged to come and watch Zesco United take on Power Dynamos Come and be part of the fun and campaign to stamp out violence and hooliganism in the Zambian Premier League.

For more information inbox Amy Chilungu Kaunda Deputy SG Zesco United FC Fan Club.


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